THE LIONS ‘Youth of the Year’ Zone Finals took place recently with some inspiring students showing they are truly the leaders of the future.
The lunchtime event, on Sunday, March 9, was held at the Whitsunday Leisure Activity Centre, in Proserpine.
Member for Dawson Andrew Willcox was in attendance, with apologies from Whitsundays MP Amanda Camm and Whitsunday Regional Council Mayor Ry Collins.
Lion Gloria Demartini welcomed everyone, and this was followed by Grace and the Loyal Toast.
Lions’ Youth of the Year organiser Jane Bettridge then introduced the entrants and judges.
Students who had made it to the Zone Finals this year were Allegra Bradley, Proserpine State High School, Amelia McKay, St Catherines Catholic College, An Nguyen, Bowen State High School, and Kodi Mackie, Collinsville State High School.
First up were the impromptu speeches, which were followed by lunch.
Then came the prepared speeches before the Overall Winner and the Public Speaking Winner were announced, followed by the presentations.
“Our Overall Winner was Amelia McKay, from St Catherine’s Catholic College, admirably representing Whitsunday Lions,” Ms Bettridge said.
“Amelia now goes onto the next level, the District Finals, in Townsville [held on Saturday, March 15], where she’ll do a great job of representing our Zone.”
The Public Speaking section of the competition was won by Kodi Mackie, from Collinsville State High School, representing Collinsville Lions.
Kodi’s speech was pro Adult Time, Adult Crime, with her public speaking ‘very impressive’ according to Ms Bettridge.
“She is a young lady with a voice and passions,” Ms Bettridge said.
“As always, I left totally inspired by the conduct, the commitment and the personality of these entrants.
“The YOTY program always reassures me that there are parents, families, schools and communities doing great things, if these young people are the representatives.
“I float out the door, utterly exhausted but grateful to have spent some time with some inspiring people who will surely go places.”
Ms Bettridge said the Whitsunday Leisure Activity Centre did a fabulous job, with great staff, beautiful table settings and plenty of delicious food.